Material handling in recausticizing plant considers handling and conveying solid materials for maintaining the flow and enabling the efficient operation. Laitex specializes in conveying lime and ESP dust in recaustizising process.
Solutions for Recausticizing
Recausticizing consists of technology that converts green liquor and lime through several processes to high-quality, homogenous white liquor and lime mud. An efficient and controlled flow between green liquor and lime is essential to ensure optimal processes.
Laitex conveyor systems are designed to support solid material flows in recausticizing plant, including lime and ESP dust.
Recausticizing plant’s material handling
Laitex has designed and supplied conveying systems for a variety of conditions, each with its own challenges. Through our strong knowledge of materials, our equipment is applicable globally.
Lime conveyors
Lime is another of the main raw materials in the recausticizing process. Lime is conveyed in three different forms during recausticizing. First, the lime is conveyed to the causticizers where the white liquor is produced. In addition to the white liquor, the process produces lime mud, which is conveyed to both a lime kiln and a smelt dissolving tank to stabilize the green liquor.
The lime mud resulting from the combination of lime and green liquor is burned and re-utilized in the recausticizing process. The moist and sticky mass requires special precision and material expertise in the design of the conveyors.
ESP equipment
Recausticizing process also produces flue dust that is captured usually with Electrostatic precipitators, ESP equipment. The particles from a gas stream are electrically charged and attracted to collector plates carrying the opposite charge. The solid ESP dust is conveyed for further processing.
For collecting flue gases and conveying ESP dust, Laitex designs and supplies conveyors . Even one of the world’s largest recovery boilers relies on our reliable and efficient equipment.
Laitex’s solutions to enhance white liquor production
The unique combination of skilled engineering and workshop enables the flexible and agile delivery of solutions for different materials. Our long-lasting equipment is designed to work flawlessly at high capacity in extreme conditions. However, long experience and knowledge of different materials is behind every robust equipment we supply.